Recent death in Bocas another reminder of danger in Paradise.

Bocas del Toro

by James “JB” Bryson

As I have become more familiar with Bocas in the past year. Visiting a few times and speaking with many who live there. I hope that this most recent tragedy can become a bit more of a cautionary tale as something to avoid.

Sounds like a great day on the water turned to tragedy from sheer careless behavior. One thing I want (especially those on vacation) many to realize is that you are essentially in the middle of the jungle. Here in the city we have the benefit of what I consider the best collection of hospitals and emergency centers in Latin America.

However, if something happens in Isla Colon, Bocas, Chiriqui. etc, you are not a quick jump to medical care. So many things can go wrong on these eco type adventures. Boating accidents just being one of them. Bocas is beautiful but all must be aware that help is not around the corner.

( UPDATE: 6/10/2019) posted the article run by La Prensa below.  I (as in me “JB”) am not of the opinion its facts are accurate. That is why I posted it.

My stance is that if “any” accident or mishap occurs in BDT, that HELP is not simply moments away. I am trying to reinforce that caution is necessary when you are out on the archipelago.

My quote was “a great day on the water turned tragic due to sheer careless behavior”.  Quote-Enq Quote. I did not say it was on behalf of the victim or the captain, or perhaps someone else. But if a death occurred, it’s fairly safe to assume that something certainly went awry.

Please add more comments all that have any information. I will post.




An American died on Saturday afternoon, May 25, in a maritime accident at Punta Caracol on Isla Colon, province of Bocas del Toro, reported the National System of Civil Protection (Sinaproc).

This is Erick Tadeus Horabik, who was on a catamaran-type boat, named Jade Dragon.

The incident occurred at about 6:40 p.m., according to Sinaproc.

The Jade Dragon catamaran was operated by Gilberto Pineda, who told the authorities that Tadeus Horabik was enjoying an activity on the boat.

He indicated that the American was dancing and then decided to go to sea, but was hit by a propeller of the catamaran.

He was immediately transferred to the port, where he was mounted to the ambulance that would take him to the hospital. But he arrived “without vital signs,” Dr. Marla Estewart determined.

The authorities of the Public Ministry and the National Police arrived at the place to initiate the investigations.

What do you mean he DECIDED to go to sea? You should not presume that HE decided to go to sea , as you put it. Did he slip? Was he pushed? Don’t presume that he was at fault.

Sorry my friend.
Nothing was presumed. I know where they stayed and the organizer of the outing they were on.
Bocas is an extremely small place.
Thank you for commenting however, I respect those that don’t agree.

He was an experienced boater with 20+ years of boating experience. He would never decide to “go out to sea” in the direction of the propeller. This was not an accident.

I agree. I was posting the original story from La Prensa.
My blog contribution merely pointed out that help is not readily available in BDT.
I run OP ED pieces, if you have something to contribute,,,feel free to do so on the comments of the story.
I will definitely post.

Who was the organizer? Someone needs to have a conversation with him. Eric never decided to “go out to sea” on their way back. So many questions no ones asking. With all those people on the boat, no one saw him “fall in” or exactly how he fell on the propeller. But someone he was in business with who owed him years worth of money that Eric just so happened to be asking for by July 2019, was on the boat too. That wasn’t recorded. Maybe because the same guy who talked to (paid off) the police and the same guy who made sure ERIC Horabik’s name was spelt wrong in every bit of media, is also the same guy who has the answers to all these questions and the same guy who knows how exactly he “fell”. Eric didn’t deserve this.


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