“Realizing goals” demonstrates democracy within Party.


Former President Ricardo Martinelli is not the only presidential candidate for the Realizando Metas (RM) party primaries, which will take place on June 4, 2023, ahead of the May 5, 2024 elections.

There are three more figures that will go to this electoral contest within this political group: David Ochy, Francisco Ameglio and Rubén Darío Campos.

Francisco Ameglio, who claims to be a faithful follower of Martinelli, assures that he will run with the aim of demonstrating that the RM party is a democratic collective, and whoever so desires can aspire to any popularly elected office.

“My competition is not for 2024, my intention is to show that around Ricardo Martinelli there are other figures who will accompany him in the next government, that we are going to raise the flag and continue the legacy of our top leader after he leaves office. the presidency,” says Ameglio.

Even ex-president Martinelli himself pointed out on his twitter account that he welcomes the emergence of other candidates in the presidential primaries… “Achieving Goals (RM) is a Party committed to the permanent well-being of Panamanians. We will continue contributing beyond the 2024-2029 administration. I see with good eyes that other candidates emerge in the presidential primaries, this shows the continuity of the project”.

Ameglio, who will also seek to be a representative of the Republic, indicated that this is the new generation of politicians who are creating leaders within the Realizando Metas party, “it is a generation that we are going to call the RM Generation.”

“Ricardo Martellini’s leadership is proven inside and outside the party, I have always been a faithful believer that he is and will be the best president this country has ever had. I will accompany him and I will be where he needs me, to create opportunities for the country with new jobs and to put an end to corruption. Where I can contribute and add, I will be there”, assured Marco Ameglio.

The presidential primaries of the Realizing Goals (RM) party will be held on June 4, 2023, and to choose the rest of the popularly elected positions (representative, mayor and deputy), they will be on July 2.

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