PRD votes are in: Who’s IN and Who’s OUT


With 100% of the votes counted after the primaries of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), the majority of the current deputies of that party secured their candidacy for the 2019 elections, but three did not obtain the necessary votes to seek their re-election.

This is Crescencia Prado , circuit 12-3; Aibán Velarde , from circuit 10-1; and Carlos Motta , 4-2.

Two of them (Prado and Velarde) represent indigenous comarcas of the country, and none of the three has more than two periods in the Assembly.

Crescencia Prado, from the Ngäbe Buglé region, was recently the protagonist of a video in which indigenous groups complained about the lack of changes and told her that it was “enough”.

This deputy has two periods in the National Assembly : 2009-2014 and 2014-2019. In the past five years he managed $ 1.6 million in circuit items. It was one of the deputies to whom the comptroller Federico Humbert froze the payment of his 080 form before suspending it to the 71 deputies.

Last Sunday he was defeated by his co-member Ricardo Santos , who obtained 2 thousand 940 votes.


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