Pope Francis wants violence to end in Nicaragua
- By : Panama Now
- Category : Pope Francis

The Pope Francis appealed Sunday to the cessation of violence that has engulfed Nicaragua after protests against the government of the country, which killed 11 people, including a journalist.
The protests erupted in Nicaragua on Wednesday over a proposal for pension reform, with violent demonstrations shaking cities across the Central American country, and Francisco called for a peaceful resolution of the conflict.
“I am very concerned about all that is happening these days in Nicaragua, I express my closeness to prayer for this beloved country and I join with the bishops to ask that all violence be stopped, unnecessary bloodshed be avoided and that open questions be resolved peacefully and with a sense of responsibility, “Regina Coeli said in the Vatican’s San Pedro square on Sunday.
READ MORE;https://www.prensa.com/mundo/Papa-Francisco-pide-violencia-Nicaragua_0_5013998555.html
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