Panama Traffic congestion leads to higher fatalities


The residents of Tocumen woke up yesterday with a huge traffic jam, due to a fatal traffic accident.

It was approximately, at 6:30 in the morning of yesterday, when a young man tried to cross about 20 meters from the church of San Antonio, in the sector of La Morelos, where there is a zebra line for the passage of pedestrians, indicated a police source.

The driver of a Chevrolet Aveo sedan vehicle who was heading towards the city was the one who ran over this pedestrian.

The blow was blunt, the boy’s body was lying on the pavement, without shoes.

Immediately, the people who witnessed the event made the call to emergencies and minutes later an ambulance from the Unified Emergency Management System (Sume 911) arrived in the area, but the young man had already died, there was nothing to do but to give notice to the Public Ministry, that around 7:30 am began the work of lifting the body.

The road was closed and only left two cloths enabled, one in the direction of Tocumen and another for those who were heading to the city.

The young man answered to the name of Pedro Abigail Montero, of 21 years.

The driver involved in this incident remained in the place and was taken to the authorities for the corresponding procedures.

Distraction behind the wheel.



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