Panama ramps up for Sunday clash with England: World Cup 2018


The Panamanian team held its last training session in its base camp at Saransk on Friday morning, hours before traveling to Nizhny Novgorod, where on Sunday it will face England in its second match of Group G of the World Cup in Russia.

It was a smooth session in which the highlight was the scene starring coach Hernán Darío Gómez and player Édgar Bárcenas.

Bolillo Gómez and Bárcenas were talking apart for a quarter of an hour and the player broke down in tears at what his coach was explaining.

According to sources close to the Panamanian delegation, the coach would have reproached the player for his statements after the match in Belgium, which was replaced in the second part, in which he was dissatisfied with the coach’s decision to remove him from the field. game.

The 24-year-old does not suffer any physical problem, because after the talk with the coach he returned to normal exercises that his teammates did elsewhere in the field.


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