Panama no place for Neo-Liberalism

Human Interest

Panama will host the Second Regional Global Industrial Union Conference where trade union leaders from different parts of the world will participate, who will denounce that neoliberal policies are again on the agenda of the governments of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

This activity will take place in our country from May 14 to 16 in the capital city and will participate the leaders Valter Sanches, general secretary of IndustriALL Global Union; Marino Vani, regional secretary of IndustriALL Global Union in Latin America and the Caribbean; Raúl Enrique Mathiu, Vice President of the Executive Committee of IndustriALL, Lucineide Varjão, President of the CNQ / CUT and Co-president of the IndustriALL Executive Committee Julio Fábrega, General Secretary of the National Federation of Metalworkers and Allied Workers of Panama (FENATRAMET).

The objective of this activity is to rethink the strategic plan for the region, and to investigate on some issues such as trade agreements and the impact for the region, Industry 4.0, trade unions as political and social actors in the construction of sustainable industry and the energy transition and gender equality.



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