Netanyahu on US attack: “horrible Anti-Semitic violence”, as world mourns victims

International Relations

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday expressed his solidarity with the United States and the victims of a “horrible anti-Semitic” attack in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where an individual killed several people before surrendering.

Several killed in shooting in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, United States
“I am distressed and shocked by the homicidal attack in a Pittsburgh synagogue,” Netanyahu said in a video message.

“All the people of Israel mourn with the families of the deceased, we are in solidarity with the Jewish community of Pittsburgh, we are in solidarity with the American people in the face of this horrible anti-Semitic violence,” Netanyahu said in the video posted on his Twitter account.

“We think of the families of those who were killed and we pray for the quick recovery of those who were injured,” said Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.

The minister of the diaspora, Naftali Bennett, announced that he will travel to Pittsburgh to meet with members of the Jewish community and participate in funerals.

“I am going to give strength to the community and its leaders and to examine how we can offer help,” he said in a statement.


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