Mulino stating all the right things and stands as PNO ENDORSED choice. Not a PUPPET. Recognizes importance of REAL TOURISM and CONSTRUCTION.


PANAMA is missing the boat on SO MUCH tourism it is not even funny. The environmental beauty is still untapped as people have concentrated on the Mega Hotels and Gambling.  BOCAS should be a LUXURY destination, and not some overlooked and poorly run area. More police, better airport, more flights, and REAL trustworthy real estate ventures. PANAMA should go “Batshit” CRAZY to protect the amazing reef systems and rainforest life to CAPITALIZE on Eco-TOURISM. 

Already home to great SURFING. Target that DEMOGRAPHIC directly via better hostels. SHARK experiences like in the BAHAMAS. Even DARIEN, which is a current hot mess, is a beautiful and active eco-system that can be MONETIZED instead of constantly and irrtesponsibly logged.  

I feel MULINO sees this, and as such I support.

“We will promote tourism at the national level through incentives in order to promote Panama as an international destination,” said presidential candidate José Raúl Mulino during his visit this Friday, April 12, in El Valle de Antón, where he walked through the streets. .

With hundreds of supporters from both political groups, the presidential candidate visited some humble homes, walked and attended the El Valle market, where he stated that more restaurants and more hotels need to be established to generate the jobs that the Vallers require first. He expressed his pleasure at the large number of employees who work at El Mercado.

Mulino spoke about the importance of developing convention, business, shopping, beach, mountain and ecological tourism as well.

“It is necessary to bring more than one million more tourists per year to Panama through macro agreements with wholesalers, tour operators and airlines. We already have hotel infrastructure, now we need to bring more and more tourists; promote our offer, which will generate a lot of employment nationwide and therefore put Chen Chen in his pocket,” he said.

In the Valley, the presidential candidate referred to the improvements that must be made to the roads so that we can achieve our goal: “generate two well-paid jobs for each hotel room and we will move this country forward.

“During the visit I had to some of the houses we were able to realize the great need they have in terms of health, there are no hospitals nearby and they must go to Penonome to receive medical attention; For this reason, health must be brought to El Valle, reactivating the Minsacapsi again,” Mulino said in the concentration he had after concluding the walk.

José Raúl Mulino sent a greeting sent by Ricardo Martinelli with whom he was meeting this Friday and asked: “Next May 5, get up early, go out to vote and at the end of the afternoon take care of the votes because the victory is ours “

Lourdes Castillo, candidate for deputy, as well as Vanesa Guardado and Egberto Rodríguez, candidates for deputies, as well as the candidate for mayor Hernán Aguilar, will participate in the activity.

This Saturday and Sunday the Realizing Goals and Alliance candidate will concentrate his political activity in Chame, San Carlos and Tonosí.

“We are ahead in all the polls but we will continue walking every day, until the last day we are allowed,” Mulino concluded.

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