Money and Greed WIN as Ministry of Environment= (Assholes) approves logging of endangered trees


James “J.B” Bryson-

Always a great day when we see more and more short sighted people taking away the beauty of Panama for greed and money. Read Attached.


In the Darien forests, some 9,000 cubic meters of wood of species in danger of extinction were cut between 2017 and 2018, according to the list of the Ministry of Environment (Miambiente) . It’s enough wood to fill about 300 20-foot containers. The majority, legalized, with the approval of the ministry in charge of protecting the Panamanian environmental heritage.

It is a conservative amount, calculated based on the logging permits of natural forests [that do not include logging in commercial reforestation farms], delivered to La Prensa , following a request covered by the Transparency Law .

The 2016 list of threatened fauna and flora species in Panama does not include some species considered endangered in the world.

The logging endorsed by Miambiente has taken land in forests near the Darién National Park. Dwellers blame the ministry for the delivery of permits, although they asked for a moratorium.

Endorsement of species in danger

One after another, trucks loaded with wood leave Darien before the eyes of many. They travel in front of checkpoints; photographs and denunciations flood social networks. What happens in this ecological jewel of the region? What is the role of the authorities?


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