Miviot making housing progress in Curundu


With the work of emptying concrete in walls and slabs of apartments A10, A9, A8, A7 and A6 of building # 1, the Nueva Vida building project, built by the Ministry of Housing and Territorial Planning (Miviot) in the corregimiento of Curundú.

Carlos Franco, national deputy director of Engineering and Architecture of the entity, said that the work, located in the district and province of Panama, contemplates the construction of 150 housing solutions, which until now, recorded a physical progress of 43%.

Families that are favored with these homes, will have access to two bedrooms, living room, bathroom, kitchen and laundry, plus a park with gazebo and play areas for children.

The project also includes the construction of a mini-basketball court and 37 parking lots, of which five are intended for people with disabilities.

READ MORE;http://laestrella.com.pa/panama/nacional/miviot-avanza-soluciones-habitacionales-curundu/24060779

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