List of 20 candidates sent to Supreme Court


The Executive sent the list of 20 candidates to the Supreme Court


After a lot of waiting, the Executive Body forwarded the purged list of the 20 aspirants to the magistracy of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ).

Only two will be chosen magistrates (one for the criminal chamber and one for the civil chamber).

The ministerial commission in charge of the purification sent the list of jurists to the Pact of State for Justice (PEJ), whose members will now evaluate the trajectory of these aspirants.

“It is appropriate to indicate that the criteria used by the commission appointed by the president were independence and impartiality, legal knowledge, outstanding professional trajectory and commitment to the protection of rights, democracy and transparency,” said the document sent to the attorney general. the Administration, Rigoberto González Montenegro, who presides over the State Pact.

Carlos Lee, of Alianza Ciudadana and is part of the Pact, indicated that they have been ‘working on the design of the citizen consultation process and next Wednesday [tomorrow] the schedule for the interviews will be determined’.

Meanwhile, the vice president of the National Bar Association, Alfonso Fraguela said that the questions and the thematic axis are already being prepared.


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