Lawyer arrested and accused of two homicides


The Court of Appeals of the Accusatory Penal System, led by magistrate Mario Carrasco, confirmed the preventive detention measure of the lawyer Zoraida Saucedo, accused of the murder of the Italian Furio Ferrari and Marianela Vallarino.

With shackles on his hands and feet, jeans and a white shirt, Saucedo was sitting next to his lawyer who was requesting a replacement for the detention of his client for the 6 months that the investigation lasts. She defended the fact that she is the mother of two small children, that she has a partner and has a house hold. In addition, he said, it did not pose any risk in terms of preserving evidence.

Prosecutor Isaura Mejía countered that Saucedo was one of the last people to see Vallarino, the Italian couple, alive, according to the victim’s mother.

The hearing was held openly despite the fact that the Prosecutor’s Office and the defense of the accused, under Luis Antonio Cedeño, requested a reservation from the Court.

Isaura Mejía, homicide prosecutor who investigates the macabre case, said that the lawyer participated in the blood acts of those mentioned, who died of mechanical asphyxiation, and whose bodies appeared tortured on November 28, 2017 inside two black plastic bags.


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