Keep an eye on the Varela administration awarding of contracts


by James “JB” Bryson

I made a quick little post the other day about the “promise” going forward of more oversights in the awarding of lucrative government infrastructure and high paying engineering and civil projects to inside contacts within past administrations.

Look, if one recalls back in the US during the Gulf War, there was a huge storm of backlash over Haliburton being given billions in reconstruction contracts while still somewhat under the purview of VP Cheney. This happens in all countries. However, the effects are more dilluted over a larger population and economy that can absorb it.

When a small country like Panama, continued to allow the finite level of insiders to constantly line their own pockets by passing huge contracts after huge contract to friends and colleagues, the indigenous people are the hardest hit and no “true” and “transparent” bidding can occur.

As the economy is slated to grow and there is still a robust hotel and casino appetite to be had, I am keen to see what will happen in the coming months and years.


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