Illegal logging attributed to gangs in Azuero


Several people are being identified as members of gangs dedicated to the illegal felling and racking of cocobolo wood in the region of Azuero .

Sources linked to the investigations have reported that they have effectively identified a long list of people who enter the farms at night and weekends to cut the wood. They are equipped with trucks, cables and chainsaws to move the wood to clandestine collection centers where they store it for illegal commercialization.

This week the National Police (PN) of Los Santos has achieved two seizures of more than a thousand feet of cocobolo wood in two operations.

In the barracks of Las Tablas there is a vehicle where illegal wood and cables were found; two people are investigated for this fact, both recidivists in this type of ecological crime.

Also in the district of Macaracas was the finding of a clandestine storage center for this species.

Both cases are before the Ministry of the Environment (MiAmbiente) and the Public Prosecutor’s Office where there are ongoing investigations into ecological and administrative offenses.


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