Human Rights Groups watch as Nicaragua casualties rise

Human Interest

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) affirmed on Friday that the number of deaths due to “the repressive action of the State” in the framework of the protests against the government in Nicaragua amounted to at least 212.

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In a report released on the day, the Commission noted that “the repressive action of the State has produced at least 212 people killed until June 19, 1,337 people injured and 507 people were deprived of liberty registered until June 6”.

“The Commission concludes that the State of Nicaragua violated the rights to life, personal integrity, health, personal liberty, assembly, freedom of expression and access to justice,” the 97-page report states.

In the document, the IACHR maintains that “state violence has been aimed at discouraging participation in demonstrations and quelling this expression of political dissent.”

For this reason, he called on the Nicaraguan government “to reach a constitutional, democratic and peaceful solution to this crisis of human rights.”

The IACHR also announced that the members of an Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) should arrive in Nicaragua as of July 3.


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