Guatemala volcano fallout assessed by WHO

World Events

An expert from the World Health Organization (WHO) will evaluate the impact on health of people affected by the eruption of the Fuego volcano in Guatemala that has left 112 dead, an official source said Thursday.

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The Guatemalan Ministry of Public Health (Mspas) said in a statement that Peter Baxter, an English advisor to the Pan American Health Organization and WHO, will conduct the study for nine days after the powerful eruption on June 3.

Baxter, expert in volcanic eruptions and health, will provide technical assistance to Mspas “on the impact of the eruption of the Fuego volcano on the health of people in the short, medium and long term,” the text said. The advisor will visit hospitals where people affected by the landslide of volcanic material buried by the San Miguel Los Lotes community in the city of Escuintla are being held and forced to evacuate nearby towns.


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