Guaido returns to Venezuela, with a little help from COPA and Panama. Still a threat to be arrested

International Relations

“We are going to recover our democracy, without any doubt, our freedom, at the service of our country,” enunciated the Venezuelan deputy Juan Guaidó through the open microphone. His words caused a stir on board the Copa Airlines flight 254, which departed from the Tocumen air terminal on Monday, at 8:55 a.m.

-Is this possible or not? -Continued saying who is recognized by the United States, Panama and other governments of the region as the president in charge of Venezuela-. It is going to be done, we are going well, because we are going with everything, live Venezuela.

Almost two hours later, the aircraft, in which Guaidó supposedly entered incognito – the other passengers did not know who was accompanying them until he replaced the stewardess in front of the plane – landed at the Maiquetía airport, 20 kilometers from Caracas, the capital that has become the stage where the ‘chavismo’, represented by President Nicolás Maduro, the state and military apparatus and its followers, disputes power with the opposition, which has found its most challenging voice in the figure of This member of the National Assembly of Venezuela.

The Star of Panama tried to know a reaction on the part of the Panamanian Chancellery, but at the close of this edition no response had been obtained.

After several days abroad, the deputy returned to his homeland <1 hour and 55 minutes, duration of a flight between Panama and Caraca <08:55 am, time when the Copa aircraft carrying Guaidó took off on board , last Monday <254, number of the Copa flight in which Guaidó moved to Venezuela. In Caracas he presented his passport and was received by customs officials.

Guaidó went through immigration control without major setbacks. Moreover, according to some reports, he was even received enthusiastically by the customs authorities.

Already in Caracas, Guaidó met with supporters and ambassadors of countries that recognize him as president in charge. A clear challenge to the authority of Maduro.

Despite the triumphant return of Guaidó to Venezuela, on Monday there were still fears about a possible arrest, after violating a ban to leave Venezuelan territory. On his Twitter account, US Senator Marco Rubio picked up on these apprehensions. “The risk of being arrested is still very real for @jguaido,” the Florida politician tweeted and one of the promoters of Washington’s strategy to press for regime change in Venezuela.

Guaidó took advantage of the breach of threats made by Maduro and its leadership and met with representatives of public sector unions, according to an Infobae report. For the time being, a general strike has been arranged. The man who has become Maduro’s biggest headache takes advantage when he lives in Venezuela after his return, in which, apparently, Panama was a key player.

Also, Guadió announced that the National Assembly is currently working on the drafting of a law on guarantees for public employees, an initiative that seeks to attract a sector that, like the military, is akin to ‘chavismo’.


While the opposition refines its strategies, the high command of the so-called “Bolivarian revolution” commemorated yesterday the sixth anniversary of the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez (1999-2013), EFE news agency reported.

‘It still hurts, like yesterday, your departure. Thanks to your teachings and your example, today we continue in permanent struggle against the enemies who tried to put out your voice so many times, “said Nicolás Maduro through his Twitter account.

Diosdado Cabello, first vice president of the ruling party and another of the referents of ‘chavismo’, expressed himself in similar terms: ‘We Love You Much, today more than ever you are beacon and guide, your people and your soldiers we swear that together We will win’ .

The legitimacy of Maduro has been questioned since last January Guaidó, head of parliament, was sworn in as interim president, especially in the international arena.

Even so, the state channel VTV has broadcast dozens of messages from supporters of Chavez. For its part, the state-owned Agencia Venezolana de Noticias (AVN) reported that in the so-called Cuartel de la Montaña, where Chávez’s mortal remains rest, commemorative acts were held.

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