Gorgas Memorial Instititute pleads for new campus


The Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies (Icges)  is a center for research and prevention of diseases inaugurated in August 1928, which over the years has become the reference laboratory of Central America.

At present, the institution has established challenges, ranging from the construction of a new Gorgas Campus, the development of a vaccine against Zika, to a national health survey.

This was reported in an interview with this media the director of Icges, Néstor Sosa, who indicated that the need for a new headquarters stands out among researchers since 2000; however, we hardly work on its design.

In what phase is the project of the new Campus Gorgas?

Currently, the contracted company [Consorcio Samudio Page CM, formed by Samudio Arquitectos SA, Page Southerland Page International LTD., Yinh y Asociados, SA] prepares the study, design and development of the plans. We hope that from February 2019 we can begin the construction of the new structure in the land located in the old field of antennas, in Clayton, Ancon corregimiento.

READ MORE;https://impresa.prensa.com/panorama/Necesitamos-fondos-nuevo-campus_0_5019248114.html


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