First Panamanian music library to open doors; Youth Music School enlivens the classical arts

Human Interest

It has become medicine and remedy for the soul. Music has benefits that range from the physical aspect of the human being to the social sphere, because through it, as an educational tool, changes can be achieved in a society.

In this sense, aware of the value of musical development in a country, the teacher Eduardo Charpentier de Castro donated part of his original works which he has qualified as the first specialized musical library in Panama, inaugurated on May 10.

‘My brother Rommel Charpentier, professor of the Youth Music School (EJM) and Jorge Oliva, director of the EJM, had the idea of ​​creating a music library. I was looking for where to locate my works, everything I have compiled in many years and decided to donate them to this library, “says Charpentier.

Charpentier, Panamanian musician, composer, and orchestra conductor delivered 70 original works he has written between solos, chamber orchestra, symphony orchestra, music for piano, violin and trumpet.



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