Eyes on Puerto Rico. US protectorate amidst major turmoil.

International Relations


The institutional life of Puerto Rico is going through a milestone summit on Wednesday the resignation of Governor Ricardo Rosselló after two and a half years in power, after the scandal unleashed by his participation and that of some of his advisors in a chat private in which political rivals, artists and members of the LGBT community were insulted.

The exit of the Executive branch of Rosselló will be effective next Friday, August 2. 

This is a historical fact since Rosselló is the first governor of the island who resigns during his tenure and gives in to the pressure of the people. 

After the announcement, offered more than six hours after the scheduled time, the thousands of people who have gathered at the beginning of Fortaleza Street, which leads to the headquarters of the executive, burst into jubilation. 

“Ricky (Rosselló) threw you away,” they shouted in unison after hearing the decision, while the Resident singer was grateful for the demonstrators’ displays of affection. 

In several parts of the city, the inhabitants went out to the windows and carried out a cacerolazo, while in the streets they fly the Puerto Rican flag and blow their car horns. 

In his recorded message, the governor indicated that the person who will replace him at the head of the Interior will be the secretary of Justice, Wanda Vázquez. 

In his first reaction after the words of Rosselló, Vázquez said in a statement that it is the “best decision he could make (Rosselló), for the good of the country and his family, and so we communicate.” 

“As you indicated, your resignation will not be effective today. We will be working together to carry out an orderly and transparent transition process,” he said. 

“When the day comes, when your resignation becomes effective, if necessary, I will assume the historical task imposed by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the applicable laws,” he added. 

The island was immersed for eleven days in the worst political crisis in its history as a result of the participation of Rosselló, along with several advisers, in a chat in which they insult and make fun of journalists, artists and politicians, and the LGTB collective . 

In his speech the governor said that after “hearing the complaint, talking with my family, thinking about my children and in prayer, today I announce that I will be resigning from the post of the governor effective August 2”. 

At the same time, he indicated that he hopes that this decision “will be a call for citizen reconciliation” and was convinced that his mandate culminates in the desire for peace and progress in the country. ” 

Rosselló, who gave a detailed review of the main achievements of his mandate, culminated his words by saying “thank you for the privilege of allowing me to serve you”. 

In a first reaction, the president of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD) – the main opposition party – Aníbal José Torres, said that the “scream” we are more and we are not afraid “will resound in the minds of those who think that public service and elective charges allow abuse of power, denigrate, belittle and steal from everyone’s resources. ” 

“Without a doubt, this deed will endure as a warning to those who think they can do the same and will be the starting point of the most important peaceful and democratic revolution of the new millennium,” he said. 

“Now we have to rebuild our country and our institutions so that this tragedy does not happen again. The resignation of the governor is the result of the union of wills of a whole people, who united and in unison, demanded and demanded the end of a administration marked by insensitivity, immaturity and folly, “he added. 

His predecessor in office, Alejandro García Padilla, said that the announcement is a “great victory for the People of Puerto Rico. The People give a great lesson in living democracy. Our people stood up and peacefully forced their ruler to abdicate. people acted with correction and at the height of the times “. 

“The country called itself upon seeing its dignity attacked and its values ​​violated, the artists were its spokesman, and the people triumphed. Now it is appropriate to prevent the crisis in the ruling party from destroying democratic institutions, since the institutions prevail. people, “he said in a statement. 

The announcement of the resignation coincided with the beginning, for the first time in the history of the island, of the process for “residence” (political trial) against Rosselló for which an extraordinary session has been convened for this Thursday, which after the resignation It is unknown if it will continue. 

For this Thursday, the call made on Tuesday by the Resident singer of a mass demonstration this Thursday in the financial district of San Juan, which will also be attended by other performers, is also maintained. 

The “We are more” march, as it is called, will have as its point of origin, at 9.00 local (13.00 GMT), Muñoz Rivera Avenue, and from there it will go to the Hiram Bithorn stadium parking lot, where several messages will be offered from a stage and where the previous mass protest held last Monday culminated. 

It was led by well-known singers such as Ricky Martin or Bad Bunny, who along with other colleagues and social organizations have become the leaders of the people in the most serious political crisis in the recent history of the island.

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