ENA raises revenues by 12% to 170 million in 2017


The revenues of the three stretches of corridors that circumnavigate Panama City totaled $ 170 million last year , a figure that represents a 12% increase compared to 2016.

The revenues of the North corridor increased 6%, up to $ 81.7 million; those of the South corridor increased 12%, up to $ 71.9 million; and those of the east corridor – the section of the north corridor between Brisas del Golf and December 24 – rose 57%, to $ 16.5 million.

Roxana Cárdenas, general manager of the National Highway Company (ENA) , told this newspaper that the revenues and traffic of brokers increased due to the growth of the economy and the automotive fleet; for the construction of line 2 of the Metro, which leads to the corridors the flow of cars that avoid Avenida Domingo Díaz; for the installation of cameras in all payment lanes; and for the opening of the Gonzalillo – Pedregal highway section, which generates more traffic to the East corridor.

The vast majority of ENA’s revenues are used to pay off debts acquired to buy and expand brokers. ENA made three issues for a total of one thousand 207 million dollars, of which there remain to pay $ 855 million, 71%.

READ MORE;https://impresa.prensa.com/economia/ENA-eleva-ingresos-reduce-morosidad_0_5018498134.html


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