Electoral registry for 2019 elections


In compliance with the General Elections Plan, the  Electoral Tribunal (TE) reported that it carried out this Monday, April 30, 2018, the closure in the country of the electoral registry, for the next electoral tournament of 2019.

This step was completed after two years of debugging and updating this record, where people who changed their place of residence had the opportunity to perform the update process to be located at the polling station closest to their residence , informed the TE.

With the signing of the minutes in each of the regional offices, this closure was finalized and a preliminary Electoral roll will be generated, which will be published in the next few days.

This preliminary electoral roll will also be distributed to all political parties and pre-candidates for free application for general knowledge, the institution reported.

From this publication and until June 15, 2018 may be subject to complaints and challenges by the public, in order to make a more detailed debugging, said the TE in a statement.

READ MORE;https://www.prensa.com/politica/Cerro-registro-electoral-rumbo-elecciones_0_5020747878.html


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