Doctor becomes first ever Panamanian to run Antartctica

Human Interest

Dr. Enitza George became the first Panamanian person to run on the continent of Antarctica , participating in theMarathon of the Great Antarctic Wall , with a distance of 42,195 kilometers , on King George Island. The marathon was held on March 7.

George , an athlete who has completed 38 marathons and even a 60-kilometer ultramarathon in New York, commented that participating in this competition was a challenge. He named it “GeorgE World Vision” , since since 2012 it has been proposed to run on all seven continents.

As for the preparation , he said he did not have much time, because it was at the end of January that he was warned about the opportunity to compete in the marathon organized by the Chinese company Tripolers, LTD. By that time the doctor had already prepared for another marathon, Okinawa, Japan , in which she competed on January 18.

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