Comptroller saw problems with SIPE in 2013


The authorities of the  Social Security Fund (CSS) reported this week that it was not until April 2018 when they could “close valves” and establish controls, to prevent more employers from committing unlawful payments of the employer’s contribution through the System of Income and Economic Benefits (SIPE) .

The director of the entity, Alfredo Martiz , explained that these anomalies caused an alleged fraud of $ 300 million, of which $ 64.3 million have already been confirmed through audits.

However, a note that this media had access to reveals that since 2013 the Comptroller General of the Republic has been warning the CSS of irregularities with this payment platform.

The letter was specifically sent on June 20, 2013 by the then comptroller Gioconda de Bianchini (qepd) , to the director of the CSS at that time, Guillermo Sáez-Llorens , in which he enumerates a series of weaknesses in the SIPE.



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