Carrizo wants “clean” debates, but you can’t have a Prez with “bitch tits”. Hit the bench Gaby.

Carrizo expressed that he has warned that in the debates he will not attack or slander anyone “as they have slandered me since I arrived.”

The presidential candidate of the PRD-Molirena alliance, José Gabriel Carrizo, asked the Electoral Tribunal (TE) to “not change the rules of the game” after learning in the afternoon that the electoral entity had decided to reschedule the dates of the elections. presidential debates.

Carrizo, who is in Penonomé as part of his political campaign, after learning of this measure, stated that the presidential debates are in the electoral law that was approved by the National Assembly, and that it has its rules of the game.

”I am respectful of the institutions, respectful of the rules that already exist, because believe me, neither the President of the Republic, much less me, get involved in independent State bodies, rather our conduct has been to strengthen the institutionality, Give them their budget, let them do their job,” he said.

He continued saying that: “I trust the Electoral Tribunal, but from Penonomé I ask that they not change the rules of the game. I don’t want to think that as a result of the activities that we have been developing since we launched our campaign, we have seen our development, where we have seen a PRD machinery willing to do what no one has been able to do, which is to win the May 5 elections again. , whatever is altering the thinking of some members of the Electoral Tribunal.”

He added that it is no coincidence that on Saturday he received several calls from media outlets that do not like the PRD very much to ask what is happening in Penonomé, “that is not a coincidence,” to which his supporters responded with applause.

”That was on Saturday morning and today, Sunday, we wake up with a decision that no one understands why a presidential debate on Wednesday is canceled,” he said.

He expressed that he has warned that in the debates he will not attack or slander anyone “as they have slandered me since I arrived.” “What I want is to convey to my country the proposals that the PRD has, the execution of this government that has saved people’s lives, what I want is to defend the PRD,” Carrizo concluded before his followers. .

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