Blooming of Latin American tree a wonderful sight in Panama.


The Tabebuia Chrysantha or guayacán, one of the most beautiful trees in the tropics, extends its presence from Mexico through Central America to the territories of Colombia and Venezuela.

Its majesty is common and abundant in Panamanian forests. A strong trunk tree, compact, straight, cylindrical and approximately 60 centimeters in diameter. It is the most expected during the first quarter of the year, when the main streets and avenues of the city, are interrupted by its ornamental quality.

The leaves of the guayacán are alternate, without hair, finely composed, with 5 leaflets in the shape of a hand, 5 to 25 cm long and 8 to 20 cm wide and their flowers are campanulate, large, in groups of terminal inflorescences, 5 to 12 cm long, light yellow, very showy with red lines on the neck.

The guayacán has an average height of 14 to 20 meters, reaching up to 40 meters. Its coloration comes to vary according to the state it is going through, in flowering its color is intense yellow, when it has all its foliage the color is light green and in the defoliation period its color is gray to dark brown, its abundant branches.



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