Back on Venezuelan soil, Guaido is calling for a state of emergency.

International Relations

Venezuelan President-in-Charge Juan Guaidó announced on Sunday that he will ask Parliament on Monday to declare a “state of alarm” in Venezuela over the blackout that has kept almost the entire country collapsed since last Thursday, in order to request international assistance.

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“The day of tomorrow we have convened extraordinary emergency session of the National Parliament to take immediate action regarding the necessary humanitarian aid,” said Guaidó, head of the Congress of the opposition majority, at a press conference.

The opposition, recognized by 50 countries as president in charge of Venezuela, said Monday he will also call for “street actions” to pressure the departure of Nicolás Maduro, whom he blames for the monumental power cut that began on Thursday.

“We have to deal with the emergency, that between humanitarian aid, we must deal with this catastrophe immediately, we can not turn our backs on it,” he said.

Hospitals that have power generators use them for emergencies. The country is practically paralyzed with closed businesses and little transportation, without labor or school activities. Among the population, the concern increases because the food begins to be damaged and water is scarce, long lines are formed in service stations for fear that fuel will soon be lacking.

“You have the right to go out to the streets, to protest, to demand, because this regime is leaving Venezuelans to die.Lords of the Armed Forces is time to stop covering the dictator,” said Guaidó, addressing the Venezuelans.

For his part, Maduro denounced “electromagnetic attacks” on the “brain” of the Guri hydroelectric plant, located in Bolívar state (south), the largest in Venezuela and the second in Latin America, after Itaipú (Brazil-Paraguay).


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