As if on cue, Russia opposes US support of Guaido, and intervention into Latin American stability.

International Relations

Statements by National Security Adviser to the White House, John Bolton, show the intentions of the United States to impose its political model on Latin America, declared today the head of Latin America of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Alexander Schetinin.

“This is something totally unacceptable and shows that all the conversations about the restoration of democracy in Venezuela are just a curtain to align all the countries of Latin America in correspondence with the American criteria,” said the diplomat.

Schetinin, in a statement to the Russian official agency RIA Nóvosti, said that “it is another totally crazy declaration of the representative of the US Administration, which intends to encorse the entire Latin American region in its model.”

The day before, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said during a visit to Qatar that the National Security Adviser of the White House “insulted all of Latin America” ​​by mentioning the Monroe Doctrine in relation to Venezuela.

Lavrov described as “arrogant” Bolton’s statements last Sunday, which said that Washington “is not afraid to use the expression ‘Monroe Doctrine'”, which is associated in Latin America with the imperialist history of the United States in the region .

In an interview with CNN, Bolton asserted that the US seeks to form a “broad” international coalition to replace the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

According to Schetinin, Russia is willing to discuss at expert level the current situation in Venezuela with the US, but “only on the basis of the UN statutes.”

The diplomat commented that this criterion was transmitted by the Russian Foreign Minister to the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, in two telephone conversations during which the subject of Venezuela was discussed.

The official confirmed that Moscow is studying the possibility of sending a new item of humanitarian aid to Venezuela through the World Health Organization (WHO).

“Yes, we send humanitarian aid through the mechanisms of the UN, WHO and others, these are studied and agreed,” he added.

In reference to the return of Juan Guaidó to Venezuela, the Russian diplomat noted that “the authorities avoided the provocation in a very elegant way”, by not taking precautionary measures against the opposition politician.

“I think this shows the absolute willingness of the Maduro Government to seek a peaceful solution without internal cataclysms,” concluded Schetinin, who made the remarks after a mass in memory of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, held in a Moscow temple.

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