Alfredo de Saint Malo Musical Festival mixes together the best that Panama has to offer.


A musical exchange
The 13th edition of the Alfredo de Saint Malo International Music Festival links and bridges between different musicians to offer quality concerts to the country. The event starts from today.

From today, we will witness a cultural exchange between various musicians of our country and the region through the 13th edition of the International Music Festival Alfredo de Saint Malo , which will be held until June 9.

This year, in which the 500 years of the founding of the city of Panama are commemorated in a special way, several presentations will be held in various places of the capital such as the University of Panama, the San José church and the National Library.

The philharmonics provide free learning.

The philharmonics provide free learning. Archive

One of the aims of the festival is to raise funds for the Children’s and Youth Philharmonic of Panama, a program that, in the words of its coordinator Susana Salas, believes in music as a life-transforming tool.

“The festival is a window that opens Panama to the musical world, and the musical world has the window to look towards Panama,” he added.

700 artists will say present in this edition.

Other aspects to note is that the orchestra of the Alfredo de Saint Malo Festival 2019 will be directed by César Leal as guest conductor, while the Cuban maestro Guido López Gavilán will be present as a composer in residence.

One of the most outstanding concerts of the program is the one that will be held tomorrow with movie soundtracks, at the San José church.

The concert will be directed, among other musicians, by the Miami Dade College music teacher Alberto Bade , who said he was impressed by the talent of young Panamanians when it comes to classical music.

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The artistic director of the festival, Isaac Casal , pointed out that the festival was created with the purpose of rescuing and developing the intellectual memory of academic music and honoring the memory of the musician Alfredo de Saint Malo , who was born in 1898.

Additionally, it seeks to promote the exchange of experiences between musicians from other countries and national musicians.

“For us it is important to carry out this type of exchanges, as this can directly benefit academic music students with this experience,” he added.

For his part, the dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Panama, Luis Troetsch , said that this type of activities “have a great impact on the Panamanian arts.”

“This effort involves more than 200 participants as musicians, teachers and administrators,” he said.

The University of Panama will lead the opening of the festival.


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