ACP and tugboat captains to meet today


Members of the Commission for Public Infrastructure and Canal Affairs of the National Assembly urged the directors of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) and captains and mariners of tugboats to seek an understanding of the conflict between both parties.

The transit through the neopanamax locks was interrupted on April 12 by several tugboat captains, who refused to operate them after the removal of one of the three sailors with whom they operated.

Cristóbal Falkes, from the Union of Captains and Cover Officials, attended the session, and informed that today they will meet with representatives of the ACP to discuss the issue.

The deputy of Cambio Democrático (CD) Carlos Afú expressed his confidence in the parties reaching an understanding. ‘The Canal is our most precious asset and the world shipping companies have a very big credibility in the Canal that we can not lose’.


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