More interesting tidbits clarified by GREEN GLOBE- CEO conversation


Editorial: “JB” Bryson

So to just wrap up another Joe Haley lie and misleading both old and new investors, I wanted to add some quotes directly from GREEN GLOBE.

In an effort to maintain full transparency and professionalism, I contacted Birte Pelayo to have a phone conversation. She is a very professional and open source in regards to what it mandates to be a GREEN GLOBE certified resort.

In no particular order, I would like to POST and PRINT for the world what we covered.

  1. She was contacted by RFB who’s defense was it was a “defamation effort being done by a competitive developer and disgruntled owners”
  2. That RFB went on to claim the videos and pictures supplied by owners “were doctored and fake”.

In her wisdom, she did not believe that at all. They take the endorsement of GREEN GLOBE quite seriously and don’t want any NEW or PROSPECTIVE buyers to think they endorse RED FROG BEACH.  PERIOD.


In addition.

  1. RFB has been given a time window to remove all signage and mention of GRENN GLOBE from all solicitations,signage on property, all communications, and removed from the RFB website.

That the above logo posted at RFB is not even the official GREEN GLOBE crest or recognized by them.

2. They were given an opportunity to have the property inspected by an auditor of GREEN GLOBES’s choosing, and they had not heard back from them. When contacted they were told Joe Haley was on “vacation“. LMFAO. Yeah, Joe seems like a perfect time for a little getaway.

3. Lastly and what speaks the most VOLUME, RED FROG BEACH has been REMOVED from the list of GREEN GLOBE endorsed properties, and their name REMOVED from the website!!!!!!

Kudos to Birte Pelayo for being a wonderful and candid person to speak with, and their reaction to this has been great.

So there you go, SUCK on it JOE!!! Add it to the rest of the myriad of lies and deceptions you have done to people to get their money. I’m literally running out of space to keep up with you.

You take advantage and DO NOT help the indigenous wokforce, cause you and your project are built on lies. Lie after lie after lie. It will indeed fall and the winds of prosecution will hopefully blow your way in due time.


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