Aquaponics: A growing environmental alternative in Panama and beyond.


Aquaponics: a saving system

Combine fish farming and plant cultivation in water and reduce your expenses.

Aquaponics is a system that mixes aquaculture (farming fish) with hydroponics (growing vegetables in water), in a sustainable way to reduce costs and space in production farms.

Aquaponics can be carried out on a large scale, as a business or enterprise, to generate income, but this requires greater expense due to the need for specialized systems. The good news is that it can be done at home! To make an aquaponics system at home is simple, all you have to do is have the desire, a tank for fish and another for plants (they can be made of plastic), and a couple of PVC pipes to create the system.

The idea is to be able to raise the fish for their own consumption and at the same time the vegetables necessary for a good diet. But how does it work? It is a system where the water from the fish is used to feed the vegetables, since it is rich in nutrients necessary for the growth of the plants, and at the same time the plants purify the water so that it returns to the fish pond and they have an ideal quality for its growth. 

In case you do not want to consume the fish, it is anyway a good source of nutrients for vegetables, the benefit is to avoid the microorganisms that live in the soil, avoid the use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides and you can use the fish they sell in pet stores, preferably larger fish such as koi.

For consumption fish, tilapias are usually used since they are easy to care for and grow quickly, and all the vegetables that grow in the country’s climate (tomato, onion, lettuce, coriander, celery, parsley, cucumber, among others).

I to get with somebody who has or is planning a small scale aquaponic system here in Panama.

Would be great if somebody would / is doing that in the Province of Chiriqui.
Many thanks in advance for any feedback.

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