Bocas issues with RedFrogBeach and surrounding areas keep coming to light.


by James “JB” Bryson



Okie dokie, I will lay this out once to just say it. I HAVE NO DOG IN ANY FIGHT WITH RED FROG BEACH OR ITS OWNERS OR DEVELOPERS! Book it, print it, document it.

That being said, I also NEVER INVESTED WITH BERNARD MADOFF, NEVER BOUGHT STOCK IN ENRON, NEVER PURCHASED WORTHLESS MORTGAGES, NEVER INFLATED PRESCRIPTION DRUGS 3000% OVERNIGHT. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have an interest in those topics, and don’t have empathy for those affected.

I have a Panama blog for and geared towards primarily the Ex-Pat community. I am certainly NOT the first to do so. Panama blogs have been around since Al Gore invented the internet. So I preface what I report with the fact that it is precisely “reporting” that I am doing.

I will additionally state that has received no form of a rebuke from anyone at Red Frog Beach, and perhaps that is the way these complaints are dealt with at the corporate level. Perhaps they feel that engaging in this bad opinion of their product is actually legitimizing the claims against them. Well I am stating clearly, that ship has sailed.  The points raised concerning PILLAR PANAMA case against them, people having NO TITLE, deaths occurring in and around their property, LOCAL INTIMIDATION, and the FRAUD of a PARTNER that is listed as Co-Founder on his own LINKED IN page are all 100% accurate.

Maybe these things have changed, maybe improvements have been addressed, …..who knows?  Have those people ever received titles?  Have safety and security issues been addressed by people other than those carrying machetes?  I am not aware.

What I am aware of is that NO editorial piece contributed by an Ex-Pat has elicited more of a outcry response that this piece on Red Frog Beach. The complaints they have are real. And we will continue to post these issues to both allow people to vent, and also educate those like “Rick” before they make a decision that could adversely affect them forever.



After that long post from the reader, I did some homework to see if those swindlers still exist/

For shits and giggles, you can Google RON VAN DEN HEUVEL from Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Then you can see how I got screwed.

These types are everywhere.

For what it’s worth, my sister and her two friends went to Red Frog, and said the area is beautiful, the houses are nice, but she never felt safe at all. Panhandlers, locals, and an overall sketchy vibe.
No real security presence.
Travel with some big dudes if you go.


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