OP ED today in La Prensa: PNO.com has been covering this stuff 24/7- 365 a year

Bocas del Toro

by James “JB” Bryson

Please read the OP ED in La Prensa. We are happy to see a much larger source start to put a bit more light on the corruption that I myself have seen first hand in Bocas del Toro.


The handling of public affairs has always been a problem in Panama thanks to the ineptitude, indifference and corruption of an enormous number of officials who arrive at positions of being able to receive favors. The case of the sale of land in Bocas del Toro, in which a foreign politician is involved, in complicity with local pseudo-entrepreneurs, is a clear example of this. But, instead of taking to the dock the usurpers, the swindlers and the authorities who lent themselves to the scams, it was the Panamanian State that was sued internationally for $ 80 million, and although it was narrowly saved, that lawsuit has cost Panamanians more than $ 7 million in costs and experts. Why do we have to pay all Panamanians for these deals that not only affect the Treasury, but the territorial patrimony of our indigenous people? Where are the local judicial processes to find those responsible for this disaster? Surely enjoying the money they got from the dark business agreed with the foreign politician. The country needs committed officials who defend our interests as a good father of a family. This country is also your children’s.



READ MORE ABOUT STORY:https://impresa.prensa.com/panorama/busca-probar-evasion-fiscal-tierras_0_5146735413.html


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