60 year old gets (6) years for robbing national hero Duran. “More than some murders in US”



The Judge of Guarantees of the First Judicial Circuit of Panama, Meylin Jaén, validated the sentencing agreement agreed upon between the prosecution and the defense, and sanctioned a 60-year-old citizen to 72 months in prison (six years) as the author of the crime against economic assets in the form of aggravated theft.

This criminal case is related to the events that occurred on April 7 at the residence of renowned former boxer Roberto “Manos de Piedra” Durán, located on F Street in El Cangrejo, Bella Vista district, in the district of Panama. During this incident, the sanctioned person stole several valuable objects.

In the conviction No. 794, issued on April 9 of this year, the judge ordered as an accessory penalty the disqualification from exercising public functions for a term of 36 months, once the main sentence has been served.

During this hearing in the Plaza Ágora Accusatory Criminal System, prosecutor Pablo Batista participated on behalf of the Public Ministry, while the sanctioned person was assisted by the lawyer from the Public Defense Institute, Cielo Cepeda.

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