11 Hectares illegally removed with no sanctions to date


The Ministry of the Environment (Mi Ambiente) , in the province of Los Santos, confirmed on Wednesday June 6 that there is still no sanction for cutting down 11 hectares of mangroves in the Pacific coastal area, in the village of Santa Ana.

For more than two months, residents of the Santa Ana and El Ejido townships in the district of Los Santos have requested an investigation into the mangrove clearing on the Santa Ana coast.

Consulted on the subject, Bolívar Domínguez, regional director of My Environment in the province of Los Santos, said that there is still no sanction because it is unknown who owns the 11 hectares where mangrove felling occurred.

Domínguez said that they have initiated an investigation and requested the official certification of the Public Registry of the company that has the water concession in that area and only needs to find the legal representative.

In the area inhabits the cat conchero, the black iguana, the blue crab, the shrimp, the fiddler crab, the white heron, the white coquito, the piticuevo and the sea earwig .

READ MORE:https://www.prensa.com/provincias/sanciona-responsable-hectareas-manglar-Santos_0_5047745180.html

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