10 dead after Nicaragua deploys military


The military was also deployed in the city of Estelí, 149 kilometers north of Managua, where they guard public institutions

Nicaragua woke up today with soldiers deployed in several cities after a night of clashes and vandalism that left at least seven dead, bringing to ten the number of victims during the protests launched Wednesday against a reform of social security.

Soldiers of the Nicaraguan Army deployed this morning in the outskirts of the City Hall of Managua to protect those facilities, according to official media reports.

The military was also deployed in the city of Estelí, 149 kilometers north of Managua, where they guard public institutions.

The Government of Nicaragua denounced on the eve the partial or total destruction of state buildings or of the ruling Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), allegedly provoked by protesters who oppose the mandate of Daniel Ortega.

READ MORE;http://elsiglo.com.pa/internacional/nicaragua-despliega-militares-medio-crisis-deja-diez-muertos/24059512

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