Some “Good” news. Essentially Humane Society of Panama getting results.

Human Interest

We would see cats all around our condo when last in Panama. Our housekeeper took in one, and we would of course have liked to help more. I am anxious to see what the area looks like after such a long leave of absence, but this news seems promising.


The Manchitas Foundation clarified through a statement its operation and the work they do to help many animals that have been abandoned. 

By way of teaching, first of all, he said that the Manchitas Foundation is not a private foundation but a non-profit organization with legal status granted by the Ministry of Government, since 2020, complying with all the requirements that the law requires. for these types of organizations.

At the same time, he clarified that deputy Zulay Rodríguez Lu “is not” a member of Manchitas nor does she belong directly or indirectly to the Foundation, however, like all citizens, she has the right to support this type of organization.

He also assured that as a non-profit organization “he has not” received any type of economic contribution from the Central Government, which is fully demonstrated in his management reports, presented to the General Directorate of Revenue (DGI).

Along the same lines, he indicated that as for the members of the Board of Directors of the Manchitas Foundation, their active contribution to the foundation is to donate their time because they are all rescuers and help street animals for free.

He added that each member has personal commitments. Example: Mortgages on their homes, school expenses, payment of loans to banks and finance companies. 

For this reason, “it is completely false that they use their salaries to keep the Foundation afloat, which, as we mentioned, manages to get ahead based on the support of donations from private companies, private donations and people who donate on social networks when bills have to be paid. veterinarians when an animal is run over.

He specified that free sterilizations are carried out with the organization of communities and community boards that collect to cover the cost of veterinary supplies. 

We are proud to be the faithful protectors of more than 400 animals that were previously homeless and to have performed more than 25,000 sterilizations and 15,000 vaccinations throughout the country. Our team, made up of professional men and women, feels proud to be able to contribute a grain of sand to this beautiful cause and in turn urges the National Government and other public entities to join this fight, because the great changes are not made by criticizing from social networks, they are made in the street, working, facing reality and looking for solutions,” he said.

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