RE: Conde’ Nest . Panama spending $6 Million for Tourism campaign.
- By : Panama Now
- Category : "JB", Panama Tourism

OP ED: James “JB” Bryson- It is apparent that Panama is interested in getting more visitors to come here, but as my son in law mentioned and I have echoed constantly. Where is the contribution to get people to STAY? I/E Why do the Ex-Pats and the land issues and total bullshit continue to the point where we have a 12 year standoff in Bocas, and not to mention all the other “gringo” related scams that give Ex-Pats pause. Invest in having people having more confidence in RETIRING here. I talk all the time to people that are choosing Mexico over Panama because of all the corruption and backhanded deals. This circus show with Varela only REINFORCES my opinion. The rule of law needs to be observed and viewed upon with confidence. So far I have not seen that play out.
The International Tourism Promotion Fund projects that the “Panama, beyond expected” campaign will be seen by more than 100 million people during the 8 months that will be in force in the United States and Canada. The campaign will be 100% digital and was designed by the Panamanian group Star Holding.
The advertising pieces were presented this morning to the tourist associations of the country and it is estimated that by 2020 it will generate additional traffic to Panama of 150 thousand tourists. The material presented was prepared with images that the Tourism Authority of Panama kept in its file, which will allow more funds to be distributed to the commercials and other promotional content that will be scheduled on internet portals that sell tourist packages.
Liriola Pittí , executive director of the Fund, said that 90% of the campaign will focus on the United States, the other 10% in the Canadian market. “We have more air frequencies from the United States to Panama, and that is why we are focusing on that market,” he said.
“The Fund was created with the intention of the country maintaining a constant promotion in international markets.”
Liriola Pittí
International Tourism Promotion Fund
The campaign has a budget of 6 million dollars and will be valid until July 30, 2019. During the next 8 months the Fund will work on the basis of the international competition where the international agency that will design and execute the promotion of the country will be selected It will reach more markets.
“The Fund was created with the intention that the country maintains a constant promotion in international markets and that is why we want the future promotion to last longer than 12 months, but we are in the stage of building the database that we it will allow defining the objectives that will be achieved with the promotion, “said Pittí.
The Smart Inside company will collect information on the perception that American and Canadian tourists have about Panama. The Fund also analyzed the offer of Roca Marketing and BVA Group companies, which also specialize in tourism marketing, but Smart Inside delivered the most economical proposal.
In addition to the bridge campaign launched by the Fund on October 30, Panama maintains another current promotion currently focused on the US market. This is the ‘Panama stopover’ campaign that seeks to allow American tourists who make air connections at Tocumen International Airport to stay in the country for up to 7 days without suffering changes in their air fare.
This promotion was designed by the Fund and the Panamanian airline Copa Airlines and also has a budget of 6 million dollars. It is estimated that the promotion will capture 125 thousand new travelers during 2020.
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