Panama counting on big year in tourism
- By : James Bryson
- Category : Panama Tourism

Seven thousand tourists arrive in the country during the weekend.
Some 7,000 tourists will be arriving in the country from today until Monday through the ports of Amador and Colón as part of the cruise season. This Saturday the Norwegian Jewel and Star Legend-Winstard cruise ships docked in the port of Amador and next Monday the Norwegian Gem will dock in the port of Colón.
“It is estimated that these tourists leave income in the country for $2.2 million, taking into account that cruise passengers from the base port sleep one night in Panama, which benefits hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, carriers, merchants and tour operators, among others,” the Presidency reported in a statement.
The statement cites figures from the Comptroller’s Office that indicates that each cruise passenger tourist from the base port spends an estimated $315.00, while those in transit spend $150.00 on their visit to Panama.
In addition to the cruise trip, some tourists chose to buy tour packages to visit historical and tourist sites in Panama.
The voyage of the Norwegian Jewel and Norwegian Gem cruises began in the Port of Colón 2000 and ended in the port of Amador; while the Star Legend–Winstard began its journey in Costa Rica and ended in Amador.
The statement quoted Denise Guillén, deputy administrator of the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP), who stated that “the potential of Panamanian nautical tourism is valued and allows passengers coming from North, Central and South America to have the experience of going through the Panama Canal on a cruise of more than 7 days”.
According to data from the Panama Tourism Authority during the 2022 cruise season, more than 100,000 tourists visited Panama.
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