EX-PAT ALERT: For a small country, Panama is seething with violent crime as of late.



The first case occurred in Las Mañanitas and the other event occurred in the district of Tocumen.

The bodies of two men who were tortured before being killed were found last night in the eastern part of the country.

The moon was about to rise when the first body was found.

Residents of the community known as Los Potreros in Genesis, corregimiento of Las Mañanitas, stated that on a dirt road in the aforementioned sector, which is a mountainous area, they found a person who was without vital signs.

The scene was scary. The victim was tall, with a dark complexion, wearing blue jeans which were below the ankles, locals said.

A source linked to the investigation revealed that this individual kept his feet and hands tied with yellow tape.

His face had also been covered with yellow tape and his genitals and part of his face had been burned.

The residents of this community affirmed that around 4:30 in the afternoon they had heard some shots and the sound of a vehicle leaving the place.

For this fact there are no arrests.

He begged for his life

Later, when the clock struck 9:00 pm, another man was found dead.

This time the discovery was in sector 2 of Nuevo Belén, in the district of Tocumen.

Residents saw how subjects in a truck threw a man into a ditch, after he begged for his life.

The victim fell face down into the drain. Then the car in which the assassins were traveling hurriedly left the place.

In this sector there are no video surveillance cameras.

When the police arrived, they saw the man, whose hands and feet were tied behind his back and had two shots to the left side of his head.


The Homicide and Femicide Section of the Metropolitan area has initiated investigations into both events.

In neither of the two cases have people been apprehended and the victims have not been identified.


Criminologist Carlos González stated that the first case that occurred in Las Mañanitas is not typical.

“We have to wait for more elements to reach a conclusion, since the fact of having burned her genitals could mean that the victim was either involved in a sexual crime or got involved with the wrong woman,” he said.

I have added that the fact of disfiguring the face is to delay the investigation, however, the elements do not fit the characteristics of a hired killer.

In reference to this same case, the lawyer and criminologist, Eduardo Montenegro, agreed with González, indicating that this fact sends a message that the victim could have been relating to a foreign woman.

Regarding the homicide recorded in Tocumen, González stated that said case does have characteristics that can be associated with a hitman.

He explained that the way in which the Tocumen victim was executed shows serenity, perfection and professionalism.

‘This is a way for hitmen to promote themselves in the criminal world. In the criminal enterprise, incompetence and disloyalty are not tolerated. Those are values ​​​​of criminal groups,’ González said.

The Tocumen case could be a sale, either due to a drug spree, or a matter of conflict between gangs.

No one has been apprehended for these crimes. In the case of Tocumen, residents saw a CRV pick-up vehicle leave the scene in a hurry, after throwing away the body.


Homicides have been recorded on three days in August, according to data from this medium.

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