Editorial contribution: Joyce Barr- How Affordable Is Panama’s Cost Of Living for Expats? The cost of living in Panama, specifically housing costs can be affordable- especially dependent on where you live. “Cost of living in Panama City these days?, not quite so much. Panama City, like most city centers worldwide, …
Be sure to check in from time to time to see the many events and excursions that Joyce from BLASTBOOMER has going on in Panama. (click on images to enlarge)
To all PNO readers– I hope this email finds you well! I wanted to advise that I have an upcoming podcast interview on October 22nd at 1pm CT. I will need to gather a couple more photos of the David area, so if you happen have any that will be …
OP ED by Joyce Barr: Contributor for PNO She Got Coached and Got Out! From my client Deloris Young, who has recently relocated to Panama with the assistance of BLAST! So, if you want to get out, get coached! Hola! Greetings Ladies! It was about two years ago that I …
Joyce Barr; PNO Contributor Should the Unthinkable Happen… Panama with all its shortcomings just might be the place you will want to be! That is all. An interesting read: https://share.smartnews.com/eYzkw If a nuclear war broke out between the US and Russia, over 5 billion people would die, according to …