US policy on Haitian immigrants carries the waft of racism given the current situation.


OP ED: by “JB”-

Before all the REDS freak out, let me clarify. I am NOT in favor of recklessly open borders with anyone being able to enter the US unchecked or undocumented. In the same way I am NOT in favor of it here, and mention DARIEN probably more than any Ex-Pat Blog online.

However, I worked CBP (Customs and Border Patrol) for 27 years and have some perspective. I am also a Vet, and have seen many “ugly” places on Earth.  I feel MOST of the American public is ignorant to what ingrained systemic poverty truly is.  

We can see it here in some areas. But what of Venezuela and Nicaragua, where people are truly fleeing oppressive Governments? In Mexico where jobs are scarce and cartel violence is a part of daily life? Or what was seen in Syria, with people trudging through the desert like a scene from the Bible to escape death? 

Bring me your tired huddled masses” is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. America still needs to be the beacon of freedom in the world. And people that dismiss those words as “outdated”, are the same that quote the Bible. If you woke up to headless bodies hanging from telephone wires, you might want to leave too. 

Well in Haiti right now, there is utter anarchy. Police stations being gunned down by gangs with machine guns. So it is expected that many will seek the shores of South Florida. An area I am truly familiar with. When Cubans happen to arrive, they can seek asylum as they are leaving a Communist country under what is referred to as the “foot to sand” policy. This has literally led to games of “tag” occur in the surf between refugees and Immigration Agents.  Since Haiti is not considered “Communist”, the same leeway was never afforded. 

Meanwhile, back in the US, it was never apparent to me the immigrants were a drain on society or the economy. It was overwhelmingly “Americans”, through either poverty or being lazy that were drains. These other countries don’t offer SUBSIDIZED Housing, Food, and Medical programs for their citizens. And the jobs they end up taking are ones MOST Americans snub their nose at.

There is no easy answer here. My only question is,…….what would you do to protect your family?


The Secretary of Homeland Security of the United States, Alejandro Mayorkas, said that Haitians who arrive by sea on American soil will be returned, and that the Government of President Joe Biden is not currently contemplating an expansion of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for these nationals in the country.

In an interview that will be published in full next Tuesday by the McClatchy group, owner of the Miami Herald , Mayorkas stressed that Haitians seeking to flee the gang violence that plagues the Caribbean nation should avoid traveling by sea to the United States.

Mayorkas also stressed that the Biden Executive is not considering a “renewal or expansion” of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haiti.

This relief protects migrants from deportation and grants them work permission while they overcome political crises or natural disasters in their home countries.

Mayorkas reminded the Miami Herald that migrants from that nation who have been intercepted by the National Guard have already been returned to Haiti.

This federal agency detained 65 Haitians on March 12 near Great Inagua, in the Bahamas.

Last March, some 13,000 Haitians were repatriated by neighboring countries, which is 46% more than in February, despite the escalation of insecurity and the worsening of the humanitarian situation, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). .

The repatriations from Haiti occur despite constant calls from international organizations and human rights organizations to avoid deportations, due to violence and the acute crisis in the country.

As part of the crisis, there are also almost 100,000 internally displaced people living in settlements, in “deplorable” conditions, with needs for food, medical care, water, psychological support and hygienic facilities, according to the IOM.

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