Abrego comes out swinging against “Spock”.


The deputy of Cambio Democrático (CD), Yanibel Ábrego, in the company of the deputies of this bench, spoke out for the slowness of the National Scrutiny Board, the counting of the votes, the internal elections of this political group, which It took place last Sunday, March 19.Ábrego assured that his work team has 95% of the scrutinized minutes, favoring Nadine González for Secretary for Women, by 500 votes over deputy Ana Gisselle Rosas, “it is a lie that the other candidate is at the top with more out of 3,000 votes , it is the closest election, but we are going up”.And with Derick Echeverría, candidate for the Youth Secretariat, Ábrego pointed out that they account for practically 99% of the tallied tallies, favoring him with 1,600 votes above the candidate of the other faction, “we have the majority of the conventional ones with our tally sheets that we have in hand, thanks to the Electoral Tribunal”.Regarding the slow counting of the records of the Cambio Democrático internal elections, Ábrego stated that it is a situation that has never been seen before, “they are judge and party, they are the ones that count, those who made the regulations and the who have made all these anomalies.”“They are manipulating the count, they counted, for example, the records of Los Santos, to keep the other candidate on top and… why don’t they include the records of Capira, the records of Chorrera, Arraiján, Chame and San Carlos, where the vote was 20,000 and we got 18,000 votes, why don’t they include those?” questioned the deputy and leader of the El Cambio es Ya faction.He called on Ovigildo Herrera, president of the National Elections Commission for Democratic Change, to count the votes well, because they will be vigilant “and we are not going to allow them to cheat us, we are not going to allow it,” he declared. .In turn, he challenged Rómulo Roux, president of Cambio Democrático, to go to the National Convention if he is sure that he has the majority of the conventionalists, “I challenge the defeated president of Cambio Democrático: if in It’s true he has the votes , if he has the majority of the conventional ones, we go to the convention immediately, we challenge him!… We know the numbers we have, the conventional ones we have and we want the convention now”.The president of Cambio Democrático, Romulo Roux, said this Tuesday morning in Telemetro Reporta, that the preliminary results show that Ana Gisselle Rosas will be re-elected as Secretary for Women.In addition, I assure you that you have a copy of all the minutes at the national level, and at 1:00 am, they had another cut with 94% of the valid votes and in favor of Deputy Rosas for the Secretary for Women.

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