Covered this topic over 2 years ago. Darien migration not going away.


In addition to the logging issues we opined on in the Darien region last PNO was up and full of gas, we felt the need to alert Ex-Pats and locals alike about the immigration passages that exist there.   In reading today, it seems it is an issue that Panama has yet to curtail. It’s a small area, but vital to many criminal enterprises.


According to the latest reports from the National Migration Service, so far in 2022 some 6,000 migrants have crossed the Darién border from Colombia.

The immigration authorities have highlighted that the passage of travelers crossing the border between Colombia and Panama has dropped significantly, compared to the records of 2021.

The Director of Migration, Samira Gozaine, highlighted that the migrants are entering Panamanian territory through the Darien region of Jaqué. This represents a change of route, since in previous years they traveled through the area of ​​Bajo Chiquito.

In a statement from the entity, it is specified that the statistics indicate that this year more Venezuelan citizens are entering. In 2021, a greater number of incomes from Haitian travelers was registered.

In January of this year, Migration registered the passage of some 4,442 migrants, of which 644 were minors.

Most of these travelers have the United States as their main destination.

The entity’s information details that this year 10 people have been apprehended by the international alert system. These people are related to cases of homicide, fraud and fraud, among others.

Last year, 134,000 irregular migrants crossed the Darién border.

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